- In order to alleviate the impact of the economic crisis caused by the Coronavirus for businesses, The office of the Business Ombudsman of Georgia was actively involved in the development of state programs for the business sectors affected by the Covid 19.
- The Office represents business interests By – Inter-Agencies Coordination Council, Anti-Crisis Economic Group and Operational Group
- The Office of the Business Ombudsman and the Labor Inspection created a working platform and By this platform Recommendations for coronavirus prevention for various sectors are being discussed and developed in active consultation with business sectors
- The Business Ombudsman's hotline has been strengthened to consult on new adopted regulations and restrictions for businesses to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. In March, April and May, the hotline of the Office of the Business Ombudsman received 22,464 calls and provided relevant advice to businesses.
- Special Platform StopCoV Fund Created in Business Ombudsman's Office, where all companies, as well as citizens, will be able to make their contribution to the fight against the virus. More then 133 millions has already accumulated in the fund as of today.
- In March, April and May of this year, the Office of the Business Ombudsman of Georgia has received 229 referrals. 42 % of the referrals are received from retail and wholesale trade sectors.
- Most often companies apply to the Business Ombudsman with a request of solicitation to the Ministry of Finance of Georgia and to the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. Most companies are small and medium-sized businesses and the main part of the application is related to the new restrictions placed for fighting against the spread of Covid19 and to tax administration issues.